Tuesday, May 22, 2012

If you really knew me..

you'd know my favorite color is blue, baby blue to be exact.

you'd know that I am deathly afraid of sharks, but I still want to swim with them someday.

you'd know that it's hard for me to really trust someone, because I don't even trust myself.

you'd know that I am forgiving. Too forgiving actually. It's kind of a weakness of mine

you'd know that I love weddings, and to see the grooms face when he sees his bride.

you'd know that I have to make L shapes with my hands to remember my right and left

you'd know that my younger brother is my best friend

you'd know that I over think situations way too much

you'd know that I am scared to get married, because I'm afraid of how it will end.

you'd know that I haven't fully forgiven my parents

you'd know that I hate the mistakes I have made and I want so badly to change.

you'd know that when there is an awkward silence I usually hum random songs or make up my own so there isn't silence.

you'd know that I actually do like high school, and am going to miss all the dumb fights and week long crushes.

you'd know I want to grow up, I just don't want to responsibilities

you'd know that I honestly hate speaking in public.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Starting Now!

I hope I make something out of myself one day. I hope I don't just end up like the rest of them. I want to be remembered. I want to be the one who always stood on by themselves, but yet was so strong. Maybe I will. I wil be the best, even though I have made mistakes I can learn and become someone, that someone else would look up to. I can do it.


A family with a very ordinary life. Goes to work and school everyday, eats dinner, goes to bed, the same time everyday. Nothing new. Until the youngest daughter was digging in the sandbox in the backyard and found this black goopy stuff. She went and told her mom and come to find out they have millions and millions of dollars worth of oil, right in their backyard.

What are they going to do with all the money?

Did the daughter save this family from dying an ordinary life?

Or will they just go back to being ordinary and boring?