Monday, April 30, 2012

Might as Well.

I cannot belive we graduate in less than a month. It still doesnt even feel like high school has started. It went by so fast. Now I have to plan out my life. I have to get a job and grow up. I hate it. I mean I guess I want to move out and be on my own, but who wants to go to work all day and pay for their own bills. ahh man I wish I could just have some wealthy distant cousin of mine die and give me all his money. Just kidding that sounded shallow. But really. Anywho I am scared to get old. But excited at the same time. People say these are the best years. So might as well live it up and figure out what I want to do. Not what my mom wants me to do. Peace.

ohh just another day of listening

"huh.. weird."

"I'm going to have a lot of books in my house when I'm older, so it looks like I'm smart. S-M-A-R-T."

"I was going to say something funny"

"Soo dumb"

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Money money money

Why can't everyone just share, why do we need money?

 If someone wants a big house, or a nice car isn't that okay?

 There is too much greed in this world.

1 Ticket to Despiciple Me please.

I absolutely love Dispiciple Me. It is made for so many age groups. It just shows that even if you are the biggest and the baddest that there are things that can soften your heart to make you actually care. To make you want to change and be a better YOU! This is a must see, so if you are in the mood for a good laugh here you go!